All Tied Up For New Year's

All Tied Up For New Year's

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Series: Restrained (#3)

Tropes: BDSM, Dom/sub, Fish out of water, Greek princess, Epilepsy, Bodyguard romance, Christmas, He falls first

How do you tell someone you're too damaged to love?

When Elora slips on the sidewalk outside her favorite local coffee shop, the handsome Greek bodyguard who comes to her rescue makes her insides tremble and her knees go weak.

But when Milos recognizes her as Greece's fragile princess—ostracized, ridiculed, and shunned—Elora's first instinct is to run away. Lucky for her, Milos follows.

He's not about to let her epilepsy or her shame at her past keep him from falling in love.

Milos's big Greek family only reminds Elora of what she's lost. Can she overcome past pain and open her heart to Milos on New Year's? Or will her fear quell the passion burning between them?


All Tied Up For New Year's is the third book in the Restrained series. It can be read as a standalone. 

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

I absolutely loved Elora and Milos' story, though there were more tears involved than I expected. While filled with spicy kink and the kind of heat that I've always enjoyed in Patricia Eddy's novels, this was an emotional ride that I didn't see coming.

Elora and Milos both have demons that haunt them. Elora's health and lifelong lack of support from the people who were meant to care for her - support her - make her insecure under the gaze of the hunky protector suddenly taken with her. Milos is still weighed down by the events of In His Silks, where he not only had to watch a friend die, but was also forced to kill a man.

"We’re all broken, Elora. Scarred. Afraid. But that’s how we know we’re alive."

Though lacking the action that the first two books in this series held, I was so swept away by their hesitant romance that I actually loved this book more than the other two combined. The healing, understanding, and acceptance that they provide one another makes for such a beautiful story.