Guarding His Heart

Guarding His Heart

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Series: Away From Keyboard (#12)

Tropes: Grumpy Grumpy, Reclusive Heroine, Island Rescue, Witness Protection, Reluctant Romance, Kidnapping, Found Family

I was Air Force Pararescue. Until a helo crash ended my career. I lost everything. Including myself. Then a scarred, broken man offered me a job.
It’s illegal, irresponsible, and dangerous.
Those I treat can’t go to the hospital. Or the authorities. I don’t ask questions. Don’t get close. It’s a lonely existence.
I find solace in camping trips to an island few people ever see.
The resort’s caretaker has a story she doesn’t want to share. Fine by me. Or…is it?
Saving her is second nature. Caring for her is risky.
She’s being hunted. So I break my only rule and let someone in. 

The men I served with broke every oath I hold dear. Testifying cost me my career, my family, and any hope of a normal life. 
They went to jail, and I ran. 
They weren’t supposed to get out. 
This tiny island is my sanctuary. Until one of them tracks me down. 
Doc almost dies saving me, and I lose a piece of my heart to him in the process. 
He says he knows people who can help keep me safe. But he’s wrong. No one can stop a corrupt Ranger team out for revenge. 
Or…can they?

All books in the Away From Keyboard series are standalones, but past characters make appearances in later books!

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Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews

Guarding His Heart starts off with an intensity that never really wanes throughout the entire book. It ebbs and flows as events evolve. Sometimes you'll be at the edge if your seat in anticipation of what's to come. Other time, you'll sit back and smile at something that happened. You'll get a kick out of a feisty 82 year old woman who has no filters and provides some comic relief.

Doc and Nat know what it is to have suffered loss in their individual lives. As a result she'll probably never be safe and he's determined to go it alone without relying on anyone. Although they've been acquainted for over a year, she's kept him at arm's length as she does with everyone. Now her past has reared its fierce, dangerous head and Doc is at the right place at the right time to save her. It takes a bit of convincing but she allows him to contact Ryker McCabe. They both learn what it is to be family as the all members of the K & R, Hidden Agenda, Second Sight and Rescue Operations Group band together to help Doc and Nat out of their dangerous predicament and make sure that the threat is neutralized. It's a rocky road but these two will get an HEA.

Thrilling and heartfelt!

I’m always happy when I can go back to my AFK family. “Guarding His Heart” is a thrilling, action packed and heartfelt romantic suspense that was an amazing addition to the series.

With the little snippets we got about Doc, I was anxiously waiting for his story and I loved every moment of this book. Doc had some moments in his past that shaped him into who he is today. He was determined to be the lone wolf but when he met Nat, all of that changed. The circumstances that led Nat to the life that she was living broke my heart. Through all of the trials they went through separately and together, made them stronger and they were there for each other when it mattered. I loved their chemistry and how connected they were, they were truly a perfect match. You can tell that Patricia put her heart, tears and soul into this story and her details on missions and any of the action shined throughout the story. Since they’re a family, we get appearances by the AFK crew and I loved being able to catch up with them. This story was truly amazing and I can’t wait for the next book that comes from Patricia D. Eddy.

Fantastic addition to the AFK series!

Guarding His Heart is an action-packed thrill ride full of emotional and crazy twists and turns! I'm so happy that Doc Reynolds finally got his story, and Natasha is his perfect other half. They bring all the angst and crazy hot chemistry between them. And thanks to Hidden Agenda and the fabulous Gladys, Doc and Nat learn what found family is all about.


Wow! I absolutely loved this book. Amazing characters and wonderful plot. Very beautifully written and easy to read.

Doc Reynolds is fifty sex years old. He was in the Air Force Pararescue until the crash that ended his career. He tried to adjust to civilian life by working at the hospital, until something big happened and he hit rock bottom. Ryker found him and convinced him to work for him. To be on call wherever he was needed to provide medical care to anyone they ask him with no questions asked.

Doc went camping on a tiny, remote island . There he met Natasha Winters. A gorgeous woman in her late forties. She was an army ranger until she saw her teammates doing something horrible. She testified against them and she knew that her life will never be the same again. When he meets Doc, she is determined to stay away, because anyone who gets close to her will be in danger. But the men that were supposed to be in prison for life found her, and Doc saved her. But of course there wasn’t a happy ending without bumps in the road. They overcame every obstacle together and it was beautiful to read. I loved their chemistry and passion. They were made for each other.

Overall I loved this book very much. If you’re looking for an older heroes, ex military heroine, doctor, romantic suspense then you’re going to love it.

So good!

This really was an amazing, engrossing and satisfying book! I loved it!

When Natasha testifies against some bad men who were supposed to go to jail and stay there, she runs, but when they get out and find her, it is former pararescueman Doc who has to help her.

So much action, with loads of danger and suspense. Doc and his team step in but her safety is at risk. The intensity ramps up as does the romance as trouble approaches.

So well done on all levels. Layers of story and a fantastic plot that really adds added dimensions to the book. As does the great romantic aspect between Doc and Natasha. Their chemistry and connection really shines through.

Truly a brilliant book!!