In His Collar

In His Collar

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Series: Restrained (#4)

Tropes: BDSM, Dom/sub, Fish out of water, Opposites attract, Kidnapping, Trafficking, Mafia ties, Disgraced hero, He falls first

Control is an art form.

Nick Fairhaven had it all. Until grief—and his gambling addiction—destroyed him.

He lost his company, his reputation, even his brother's trust.

With his eighteen-month chip in hand, he lets a friend drag him out to a BDSM club on the one night he'd much rather wallow in his misery at home. The only bright light in his evening?

The club's beautiful bartender, Sofia.

Nick shouldn't pursue her, but Sofia has the power to mend his shattered soul.

When Nick interrupts a would-be-kidnapping, he should have been hailed as a hero. Instead, he ends up with a target on his back. One that could claim his Sofia as well.

Discredited, disowned, and with only the Italian Mob in his corner, Nick will risk everything for the woman he loves. Because if he doesn't get to her in time, more than one life will be lost.


In His Collar is the fourth and final book in the Restrained series. It can be read as a standalone. 

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

Where 'All Tied Up for New Years' was a truly emotional rollercoaster... 'In His Collar' starts out with the death we knew was coming, and then packs a ton of action into this sensual tale.

After dinner the previous night, he’d known his feelings for Sophia were serious and potentially long-lasting. Something about her calmed the beast inside him, and he wanted her in his life for more than just a single date and long night of passion.

Nick has been an intriguing staple of the Restrained series since the very first book, wrapped up in the tragedy, turmoil and mistakes that we know haunt him. IHC gives us a closer look at exactly how the events of the past unfolded... and how Sofia provides that chance for him to finally heal.

I was at the edge of my seat throughout the entire story. There was a perfect balance of romance, steam and the mystery that Nick and Sofia became caught up in, and I was thoroughly surprised at the twist tossed at us near the end.

The entire Restrained series is the perfect spicy binge read, and I'd highly recommend.